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Applied Initiatives

Helping you achieve your best

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LEAP Campaign

The "Take the Leap" Campaign takes an holistic approach to wellness that recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Our evidence-based practices are designed to promote positive habits and help students thrive in every aspect of their lives. From hands-on workshops to engaging activities, we provide the resources and support you need to Take the LEAP towards a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life.

Performance Simulator

Sessions at the Performance Simulator offered by the Applied Performance Sciences Hub provide students an opportunity to practice performing in front of a simulated audience. Students gain valuable experience by applying stress management and emotional regulation strategies, and analyzing and reviewing audio-visual recordings on their own, with their professor, and other mentors. 

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Performance Science
in Music Instruction

A fundamental tenet of the Applied Performance Sciences Hub is the APPLIED aspect! As a main priority, we directly apply current research findings in action through innovation and collaboration. Our team’s musician-centered approach in translating and teaching the latest performance science research helps musicians reach their full potential, both onstage and off. 


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